The Benefits of Receiving an Energy Healing

I get asked a lot what the benefits of energy healing are – indeed many wonder if there’s any point to it at all. Believe me I wouldn’t have put nearly fifteen years of my life into healing if I hadn’t seen its positive effects both for the people I have treated over the years and for myself.

In fact, for me, the difference between times of actively applying energy healing techinques and not using them at all have been all too easily identified. It has kept me sane, helped me to heal and shaped the way I think and feel in a positive way. It has helped pull me from the depths of grief and supported me while battling lifes challenges and the symptoms of complex PTSD. It’s not been everything that I have needed, for that I have had to spend time with doctors and mental health professionals but it has held me on that road safely and steadily all the way to today.

So how does energy healing achieve this? It has some delightful effects including:

  • Encouraging deep relaxtion
  • Bringing balance to both your mind and your emotions
  • Promoting feelings of calm, wellbeing and peace
  • Encourgaing and supporting positive personal life choices
  • Promoting a calmer response to life’s inevitable challenges
  • Working effectively alongside orthodox and traditional healthcare
  • Reiki especially is easily adapted for most conditions and is suitable for all ages, in any situation (apart from in a medical emergency, nothing should replace reliable urgent care when needed)

When I get off the couch after a healing, I can feel a subtle difference in myself from lying down at the beginning. Its a little like the subtle difference between glass when its cleaned, somehow I can see things a little clearer, my body feels better aligned and solid in its connection with the ground I stand on. I feel calm and able to cope for a good while after as well as being able to sleep a little easier. I find coping with my rather crazy family is less stressful and tiring and my focus is sharper.

The opposite is true when I don’t find time for it. I become fuzzy headed, emotional, stressed and I can get physically and mentally unwell if I ignore it for long enough. The same is true when I forget any of the other things I do to help myself stay whole and healthy.

I wouldn’t be without energy healing in my life now. I’ve known it with and without its influence and for me at least, its an essential part of my self-care.

Bright blessings,
Sarah x

Healing Tools

Healing tools are mostly thought of as things like crystals, pendulums, herbs, oils and the like – and that is very much true. I have explored several of them over the last decade and a half of being a healer and they truly amaze me each and every day when used with the right person, using the right technique and all at the right time for them to help them move forward.

There is a wider truth though and that is that a healing tool can be anything that provides help in someway or comfort and support when you need it. These items aren’t things we can’t do without, they’re things we call on when the time requires for them to help us through, soothe our hurts a little and provide a source of comfort that we can rely on. This means that not only can we use the commonly thought of items, we can also use therapeutic techniques, medicines, exercise, food and a myriad of other things to help support us while we deal with something that’s happening for us whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

Some of the best healing tools I have ever known include things like childhood teddies and toys that stay with their now grown up owners, pictures of loved ones and favourite books and stories. All had the power to connect the person with them to another person in their life who they knew would hold and support them as well as giving them what they needed to get up and carry on again. Yet to anyone who did not know that person or item, it would just be another thing with no significance.

I’ll be exploring all the possible healing tools I can find over the coming weeks and months on my blog and in the articles I write, keep checking back for new things!

Bright blessings,
Sarah x

Subtle Anatomy

We all share one thing in common – we have a physical body that is made up of interconnected systems, each with its own specialised function role in keeping us moving through life. Each cell has the primary job of helping us function in one way or another and it can only do that through an exchange of energy with other living beings. We can see this mirrored in our outside world too. Our communities are made up of people (cells) that have their own specialised jobs (each system’s function) that work together (the interconnected system) to ensure the whole community survives and moves forward with the job of moving life forward.

Under the surface of all life is a haze of different energies we are unable to perceive ourselves. We have our physical energy system, which works automatically every second of every day to keep us alive and as well as we physically can be, and we have our subtle energy systems that play a part in that network of interconnected systems. These energetic structures have been perceived all over the world, by many different people who come from some very different cultures. They all describe relatively similar systems though obviously using the language and culture unique to their place on earth.

We can learn to nourish the subtle systems we have just as much as we can the physical and energy healing is one way to help heal, maintain and nourish your subtle energy system. These systems are most commonly known as meridians, chakras and energy field or aura.  Very simply described they are the meridians – the channels through which subtle energies flow, the chakras – energy centres which work as gates for directing energy around the body as well and the energy field or aura – emits from your whole body, surrounding you like an egg shell working to protect you from the energies you don’t need to be taking on yourself. 

How we can do this is different for each person but there are a wide array of tools you can work with, each coming with its own subtle energy that can cause effect to our energy systems. It should be said here that there is as much that can cause harm to our systems as there is that can have a positive effect so tread slowly and with care. 

Bright blessings,
Sarah x

Healing Paths

On the subject of healing paths, I gather that most people would expect me to talk about the different disciplines of healing that are readily available out in the world right now – for example, most will have heard of Reiki, crystal healing, colour healing along with a good few others that I won’t list here now for the sake of length and not creating confusion. These are all valid modes of healing but are not what I’m discussing here. What I am talking about is the path that any individual needs to follow for their own healing and that can encompass a whole lot of different techniques and tools.

The healing path an individual needs to take is both complex and unique to them and depends on a few factors. The first thing to consider is the illness or injury itself that is causing them to seek help. This will provide an understanding of what the problem is, it’s symptoms as well as clues to the root cause (if there is one) and possible treatments. This is followed by who they are as a person and what speaks to them and their core beliefs. This will give further information on possible root causes, if there are any, and their possible treatments. Lastly thorough consideration of the possible techniques and tools that could be applied in light of all that information so that the proper medicine, treatment, therapy or other tool can be found and used. They could need daily medication from their doctor at the same time as receiving a monthly healing therapy such as hands on healing or they might need daily physiotherapy while also receiving occasional advice from a priest or access to a counsellor, just as two examples.

It’s also important to understand that while following that path, a person might find that they need to change paths from the one they’re on to another that suits them better or to one that’s parallel but leads to a slightly different destination. This happens as changes come to light both in their issue and within themselves during the journey, so we must be flexible and willing to change approaches as necessary.

Whatever it is a person needs to heal, it has an affect on all aspects of who we are from our physical bodies, through our thoughts and how we feel about things to our spiritual nature. For example, someone could lose a limb through an accident and need surgery, physiotherapy and medication as well as prosthesis, but this can have far reaching affects beyond the body. It can also affect how they see themselves and the world around them, how they feel about those things and their spiritual viewpoint meaning that they need other help besides the conventional medications and treatments. As another, someone could go through a traumatic incident that, while not physically harmful at the time, still leaves them feeling not only mental and emotional effects but also physical effects such as fatigue, aching bones and joints, headaches etc. This means they might need not only mental and emotional support and treatments but also help for the physical effects from medicines and medical treatments.

In short, I feel its important that we recognise the fact that rarely does one thing on its own lead us to healing. It’s more likely to be complex web of solutions that work together to take us on a journey that will make us feel whole again.

Bright blessings,

Sarah x