Magick changed my life, it can yours too!

About Me

Sarah Kerr


TW: Death

Three years ago, I burned my business to the ground.

It was no longer sustainable, nor was I enjoying myself and the pandemic had just forced me to close my doors so that I could protect my family.

I took time out to rest and contemplate what would come next.The only thing I did know was that I couldn’t carry on as I was.

There was something missing, and I was struggling to figure out what it was.

I went on a journey over the next two years. An inner journey that took me through some of the toughest times I had ever known up to that point.

I used every tool I had ever learned about to explore my trauma. I worked magick and healing for myself instead of others and finally, I healed.

I found myself again, lost in the shadows of the mundanity that life had become.

The world sparkled again. I laughed again. I was whole.

Until last year, in July 2022, one of the worst things that could ever happen to a person happened and I lost my son. He died suddenly and tragically at the age of 19, and it broke me into pieces.

If that had have happened anytime before it did, it likely would have killed me too. I would have effectively died with him and stopped living any kind of life. I would have regressed, disassociated and retreated into my trauma responses.

What happened instead was healthy grief, it’s still happening now and will be with me my whole life but it hasn’t swallowed me whole and I didn’t die with him. I am more determined than ever to be all of me at once, to live life being grateful for everything I am and everything I have.

I’m ready to fully experience the magick of life and to bring it to you too.

I am a Mum, a Woman, a Trainer, a Healer, a Witch. I am POWERFUL because I choose to burn down what no longer serves me and come back to life again.

And now, because I’ve lived it, I can help you too. I know you’ve searched high and low for the right connection/thing/person to help you and here you are.

Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime?

If you are, if it’s time, then get on my mailing list below, follow me on social media and let’s get going!



Inclusivity and safety at Soul Studio

If there’s one thing that I have learned through my life experiences and witchcraft practice, it’s that diversity is essential.

The same is true whether it’s for our planet, global society, smaller communities and us as individuals. Without diversity we don’t get introduced to new ideas and viewpoints, and we don’t change when we need to.

I also have a personal understanding of trauma and know that there are many spaces that don’t feel safe to be open and vulnerable.

Considering both of these things, inclusivity and safety are top priorities for me and it’s my goal to ensure that Soul Studio is one of those places where everyone will feel welcome and safe.

I’m committed to learning and understanding so that I can keep on improving, and I am also committed to maintaining Soul Studio as a safe space both online and offline.

This means a no tolerance policy when it comes to individuals who intentionally violate that safe space so you can be assured that you are safe here.

Learn about the Studio in the video below.........