Soul Studio Blog

Magic – divination – healing – meditation – reviews

Review of Heathenry and the Sea by Dan Coultas

Living right in the centre of England, I must confess that my relationship with the sea has not been a close one. I enjoy visiting it when I can but have never spent any length of time connecting with it. I have explored modern Heathenry over the last few years though...

Review of Living Witchcraft by Moira Hodgkinson

Living Witchcraft is a great book for anyone looking for an insight into how a real witch lives everyday life. This is a very personal journey into a year in Moira’s life and I love how open and honest she is about her practice of magic and how it fits into her life...

Review of Yin Magic: How to be Still by Sarah Robinson

I was gifted this book by a friend who thought it would be perfect for me, and she wasn’t wrong. I’m someone who struggles to be still sometimes, has a lot on her plate (who doesn’t these days!) and needs reminding to slow down and stop some days. It did not...

Review of “Pagan Bushcraft” by S.P.H. Young

Sean is an engaging and informative author who never fails to entertain and this small but incredibly interesting book from him is no different to anything else he’s written. His work here invites you to get outside and really engage with nature through Pagan...