I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked this up. I hadn’t read any blurb nor seen any of Chris’ previous three books. The only thing I did know was that the title intrigued me and I wanted to know more. Following spending most of the last year in lockdown with my son who has been shielding from the current pandemic situation, my own path has definitely become more focused on the land immediately around me and so I was interested to see what I could learn.
I was led on an interesting journey of discovery thanks to a great combination of useful information and practical exercise that helped me to focus on discovering, working with and honouring the spirits of the land from Mother Earth to faeries and dragons. There’s something here for everyone whether they have lots of experience or are a complete beginner and the exercises really help you to explore the possibilities presented in a practical way.
I particularly enjoyed the chapters on ecstatic dance and Seidr sorcery, both of which contained techniques for deeper and more enriched relationships with earth spirits all explained in plain language that is easy to understand and follow.
I may not have encountered Chris’ work before now but I can say that after reading this I will definitely be buying his other three books.
Bright blessings,
Sarah x